Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bugger Off!

Ever had trouble with stupid websites that require registration only to mail you more and more spam? OK dumb question. It's irritating, but not impossbile to overcome. I've been a big fan of BugMeNot.com for quite a while now and I guess it's time I shared my secret. I can't remember just how I found it or when, but let's just say I used to be totally annoyed that I couldn't watch video on CNN or read articles in the New York Times. Worse still was logging into Adobe's website to get their free goodies like Plug-ins and Presets for Adobe Illustrator.

Here's a brief overview of this excellent site from the site itself:
You're browsing the web and you click a link to an article on a site (let's say nytimes.com) but instead of getting the article you get a screen asking you to login or register. Infuriated at the idea of pointlessly registering for yet another site you turn to your good buddy bugmenot.com

BugMeNot.com was created as a mechanism to quickly bypass the login of web sites that require compulsory registration and/or the collection of personal/demographic information (such as the New York Times).

Anyway... it's time to set the internet free! Start the revolution >>

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