Monday, February 05, 2007


I'm sure you never laugh at other people. Ever.

So I'm sure you won't be laughing at the Craig's List users who write ads, rants, and raves worthy of the Best of

You'd never laugh at stories of overheard intercourse, insect infestations, miserable co-workers, etc. Nor would you snigger at the description of vintage orange armchairs written by someone who really should be writing for the Simpsons instead of selling off furniture from their front yard.

By far this is one of the unsung gems of the internet, possibly because of the text format. But honestly, I'm glad. Some of things described are things I'd never really want to see.

And if you're feeling up to it, why not write your own 2 cents and share it with the nation.

C'mon - visit the Best-of. I promise it'll keep you busy for at least ten minutes.

PS -

schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.

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